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© Euphemic Translations 2017

  • arcadeotic

Final Stretch

Hello everyone. Been a while. Quite a while. In fact, I think soon it has been a year since Biman1 was supposed to be released, in October. Funny how the world works, huh.

Anyhoo, the reason why I'm making this update that ain't the release, is because we've gotten all of the cleaned text in the game and fixed a lot of lines to be more accurate of the Japanese script, and it is finally time for the final checks and polishing. I'm getting quite excited.

So, what exactly are we going to do now, you ask? Well, to begin with, the linebreaks aren't all going to be working properly, so we're going to be playing the game and fixing all of those that do not work, so the peeps playing it don't start excessively shouting at us, and while we're at it, we'll be polishing some lines that may have some not so fantastic English. The people working on this last endavor will be Major, Nanon, and I. I might be giving some sneak peeks over at my very much dead Twitter, so look forward to that.

Now, onto the most pressing of issues, the release date. I don't have the slightest of clues, if I'm 100% honest with y'all. This project has had its ups and downs, points where there was no sight of even stopping and times where we were envious of the pace of even snails. Thus, we don't have a release date set in stone for this most turbulent of first projects yet, but be patient and believe in us. It'll come out, hopefully at Halloween, or maybe later this year. That's the goal anyways.

Now to the next matter: the secret project. most of you probably already have figured out what exactly it was, so let's not beat around the bush and just say it: it's Tenkiame.

We were working together with some close friends who founded a new fan-translation team, called Nani Translations. When I heard how they started to translate Tenkiame, we offered to collaborate with them by giving them some free staff to ease their load, and the deal was struck. Though all didn't go as planned. Long story short 'n sweet, the engine was a major bastard, and the translator sort of lost interest, and the project died down for a few months.

At this point and time, the projet is still going and the translator has recently started to, once again, slowly translate it. We have no clue of the schedule though, so I really can't give you all anything else, though. As it looks at the moment, it might go into completion, or it might crash and burn, god only knows. I'll update out Projects page so it's there when I have the time to, but that's all you're going to see for quite a while, sadly.

Well, that's all for now, look forward to the next update, which'll be the release of Biman1.

Until then.

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