New Site, Goodbye Despair
Woo! After that quite lengthy despair arc (giggity) of my old shiny website going poof due to hosting issues and no possible way of recovering it, it has finally arrived, and it's even shinier.! Correct, I've gotten myself an actual personal domain, finally. I'm just going to mention this again, but I really, really like how shiny the site turned out. It runs smoothly, the mobile site is quite nice, and I finally got the reason to flaunt Kirie's loveliness everywhere, and I mean everywhere, but she deserves it. I implore you to check out every nook and cranny of the site, I really put in a lot of effort in making it. Hope you like the new look with parts from the first Wordpress site and the shininess of the VNTLS-site enhanced to pure absurdity.
Anyhoo, "What have you been doing all this time and why no Biman1 yet?!" Well, I've been busy, in various ways. Studying, childrens' card games, checking Biman1's word-wrapping, engine, and techincal quirks. I've found myself being pretty bad with deadlines, sorry 'bout that. So, I won't do them anymore, it'll be done when it's done, but I will tell you in my Twitter when the v0.99 version is being tested, which should hint to the eventual following full patch public to everyone. Also, about the "***-pussy" thingy. I did a poll about it, and they're getting removed as a result, sorry doujin fans.
Until then, you can sate your nukige craving with the Prologue Patch and Maki Fes!, which I got the project lead's permission to host in this site since along with my old shiny site, their site died too, and I was a team member too! Check it here. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll continue procrastinating and finish this monster of a project I've been doing for almost two years now. No promises, but I'd really hope if this thing would be over before new years.